Projekt Erasmus+
„Hra hodnôt“
Kľúčová akcia:
KA2 - Spolupráca v oblasti inovácií a výmena osvedčených postupov
Typ akcie:
KA229 - Školské výmenné partnerstvá
Názov projektu:
Hra hodnôt/ The Game of Values
Dĺžka trvania projektu:
24 mesiacov
Doba realizácie projektu:
1. 9. 2019 – 31. 8. 2022
Partnerské krajiny projektu:
Poľsko, Slovinsko, Portugalsko, Taliansko
Maximálna výška grantu:
27.046,00 €
Zmluva o poskytnutí grantu:
č. 2019-1-PL01-KA229-065338_2
Národná agentúra:
SK01 - Slovenská akademická asociácia pre medzinárodnú spoluprácu (SAAIC)
Koordinátor projektu:
Mgr. Peter Plankenbüchler, riaditeľ školy
V modernej spoločnosti existuje tendencia znižovať dôležité hodnoty, ako sú priateľstvo, empatia a tolerancia. V našom projekte chceme žiakom poskytnúť príležitosť spoznať ľudí z iných krajín, ich kultúru, tradície a vytvoriť pozitívne postoje voči iným národom.
Hlavný cieľ projektu: Výmena osvedčených postupov
Čiastkové ciele:
• podporiť hodnoty: tolerancia, empatia, priateľstvo,
• povzbudzovať žiakov, aby študovali viac a budovali svoje sebavedomie,
• rozvíjať tvorivosť a základné zručnosti: písanie, čítanie,
• zlepšiť zručnosti (žiakov a učiteľov) v oblasti informačných technológií,
• rozvíjať jazykovú a komunikačnú zručnosť v oblasti cudzích jazykov,
• rozvíjať schopnosť samostatne organizovať voľný čas žiakov najvýhodnejším spôsobom,
• získať vedomosti o pozadí (rodina, mesto) a kultúre iných partnerov,
• rešpektovať ostatné kultúrne dedičstvo,
• rozvíjať tvorivosť (remeselné práce, umenie).
Výsledkom projektu bude vytvorená hra každého partnera pod názvom Hra hodnôt / The Game of Values, ktorá môže byť aj dokonalým nástrojom na dosiahnutie našich cieľov.
Čo ponúka program Erasmus+
- je program Európskej únie, ktorý podporuje aktivity v oblasti vzdelávania, odbornej prípravy, mládeže a športu počas programového obdobia v rokoch 2014-2020,
- poskytuje granty pre široké spektrum akcií a aktivít v oblasti vzdelávania, odbornej prípravy, mládeže a športu. Program dáva príležitosť žiakom, pedagogickým zamestnancom a pracovníkom s mládežou stráviť obdobie v zahraničí a zlepšiť tak svoje poznatky a zručnosti. Program podporuje organizácie, ktoré sa môžu zapájať do projektovej spolupráce a v rámci partnerstiev zdieľať inovácie vo vzdelávaní a odbornej príprave mládeže.
1.9.2019 vstúpila naša škola do projektu Erasmus+, ktorý trvá 24 mesiacov a končí 31.8.2021. Cieľovou skupinou sú žiaci 2. stupňa od 10 do 15 rokov.
Hlavným koordinátorom projektu je základná škola v Poľsku ( Zespol Szkol i Placowek nr. 2, Katowice)
Ďalšími partnerskými krajinami sú:
Slovinsko ( Osnovna sola Miska Kranjca Velika Polana)
Portugalsko ( Agrupamento de Escolas de Resende)
Taliansko ( I.C. Borsellino Ajello)
Plán aktivít - výstupy z vyučovacích hodín partnerov projektu Erasmus+
„The Game of Values”
Lesson plan from Poland
Topic: Folk cutout in Poland Duration: 1 lesson hour Level: 6th grade
1. General objectives:
• Develop skills related to art language and functions; undertaking creative activities that use information about the form and structure of the art.
• Improving art skills - creative expression.
• Mastering the basic knowledge of art culture, its national and human cultural heritage.
2. Operational objectives:
• knows the basic historical issues related to the development of folk paper-cutting
• creates a folk cutout on his own
• knows the basic principles of creating a folk cutouts
3. Methods:
Multimedia show Demonstration
Individual work of students
4. Teaching Resources:
pencils, scissors, colored paper / cutouts, polish folk coutouts' multimedia presentation: templates for making cutouts attachment no 2
examples of folk cutouts attachment no 1
5. Working Forms: Group work Individual work
6. The structure of the lesson
I. Introductory part of the lesson:
1. Preparing activities
2. Introduction to the lesson
A. discussion of the structure of the lesson
B. Polish folk coutout multimedia presentation
C. Conversation on the history of folk cutouts in Poland and their characteristic features
II. The main part of the lesson
A. Demonstrations of creating a folk cutout
B. Creating cutouts, using templates (Attachment No. 2) or drawing independently pattern to cut it out
III. Final part of the lesson:
A. Discussion of the degree of difficulty of activity, attempt finding common parts of Polish and Portuguese folk art.
Lesson plan from Italy
Topic: You Can! Duration: 40 min Level: 5th/6th/7thInfo about Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia (countries partners of the Erasmus+ project “The Game of Values”)
Aim of the lesson: make students become familiar with the partners countries through a game
Lesson objectives: Students will be able to better recognize the countries which take part to the Erasmus+ project “The Game of Values”
Assumed prior knowledge: few and very basic notions about the 5 countries
Resources: Whiteboard pens; a whiteboard, a timer, a fake boarding pass, 40 paper flashcards with questions and answers, a desk, some small prizes.
Time Content & Teacher Activity Student Activity Resource
5 min
5 min Teacher explains the goal of the game: “There is the possibility for an exchange in Europe, unfortunately, there aren’t enough plane tickets, not everybody can leave, so we have to choose only a group of you which can go to the exchange.
You will be divided into groups, you will play a game, the group that wins can
leave and visit the other country”. Teacher shows the fake boarding card.
Teacher explains the game rules:
“Here are 40 flash cards (teacher shows the flashcards) on each of them there is a question about one of the 5 countries partners of the Erasmus+ project. You will be divided into groups and each group will have a speaker. In turns your speaker will choose a flashcard, the travel agent (the teacher) will read loud the question on the front side of the chosen flashcard, each group has got 40 seconds to discuss the possible answer (teacher shows the timer), the speaker will give the answer. The travel agent will turn the flashcard, on the back of it there is the right answer. Your score will be marked on the whiteboard (teacher points to the
whiteboard). Each group chooses 5 cards, Listen and ask questionsListen and ask questions Fake Boarding card
Flashcards, timer, whiteboard
5 min20 min
5 mins so there will be 5 turns. In case of a draw, the game will continue until there will be an odd result with a winner”.
The class is divided into groups, students choose a name and a speaker for each group. Teacher writes the group and the speakers’ names on the whiteboard.
The travel agent (the teacher) lays all the flashcards on the desk and calls the first speaker and then the others in turns, he reads the questions and manages the game.
The questions about the countries are mainly of general and geographical knowledge. The flashcards are made of paper but they can also be digital (using a dedicated software like Anki or others, in this case, an Interactive Board is required). The questions on the flashcards are always associated with an image.
A sample question is: in which country is this monument? (image of the Pisa leaning tower)
Teacher announces the winner according to the general score, he shouts “YOU CAN!” to the winning group and he hands the fake boarding card to the speaker of the group, then he gives them prizes and also consolation prizes to the other students.Choose names and speakers for their group
Play the gameReceive prizes
Whiteboard and whiteboard pens
Whiteboard, whiteboard pens, flash cards, desk, timer.
Fake boardig card, prizes.
Lesson plan from Slovakia
Topic: The story of Janosik Duration: 40 minutes Level: 8th/ 9th
Aim of the lesson: make students become familiar with the story of Slovak national hero.Lesson objectives: Students will be able to explain who Janosik was. They will enrich their English vocabulary.
Resources: lesson card per one student
The structure of the lesson:
1. Fill in the right vowel to make an adjective, then match it to the right description.2. Answer these questions:
1. What is the name of the national Slovak hero?
2. Was the main character of this story weak?
3. What is a synonym to the word BANDIT?
4. Who was Jánošík’s girlfriend? 3.Try to find opposites to these adjectives:
1. Valiant -
2. Strong –
3. Kind –
4. Active –4.Give your own description to the each adjective to explain the meaning.
O n c e u p o n a t i m e i n a s m a l l S l o v a k v i l l a g e T e r c h o v á , t h e r e w a s a m a n w h o d e f e n d e d t h e p o o r w i t h h i s b i g m u s c l e s . H i s n a m e w a s J á n o š i k . H e d i d n ’ t l i k e i n j u s t i c e a n d h e w a s g o o d t o p e o p l e a n d r e s p e c t f u l t o t h e n a t u r e . O n e d a y a s h e w a s w a l k i n g t h r o u g h a f o r e s t w i t h a b i g s m i l e o n h i s f a c e , h e h e a r d a c a l l f o r h e l p . H e d i d n ’ t h e s i t a t e a n d r a n a c r o s s t h e w o o d . H e s a w b a n d i t s i n h i s v i l l a g e s t e a l i n g b r e a d f r o m p o o r p e o p l e . H e j u m p e d i n t o t h e v i l l a g e , 2 l e a p s w e r e e n o u g h . A l o n e a g a i n s t 1 2 v i l l a i n s ( b a n d i t s ) . H e w a s f i g h t i n g b r a v e l y . H e d e f e a t e d a l l t h e v i l l a i n s a n d c a s t t h e m o u t o f t h e v i l l a g e T e r c h o v á . A s t h e v i l l a i n s w e r e r u n n i g a w a y o n t h e i r h o r s e s t h e y k i d n a p p e d J á n o š i k ’ s g i r l f r i e n d A n i č k a . J á n o š í k w a s d e e p l y i n l o v e w i t h h e r . H e r a n a f t e r t h e m f a s t e r t h a n t h e i r h o r s e s , f a s t e r t h e n t h e w i n d . H e c a u g h t t h e m u p v e r y q u i c k l y .
H e g r a b b e d A n i č k a w i t h o n e h a n d a n d w i t h t h e o t h e r h a n d h e h i t b a n d i t s s o h a r d , t h a t t h e y s t i l l r u n s c a r e d a c r o s s t h e s k y . A n i č k a h u g g e d J á n o š í k t i g h t l y a r o u n d h i s s t r o n g s h o u l d e r s , s t r o k e h i s h a n d s o m e f a c e a n d t o g e t h e r t h e y r e t u r n e d t o t h e v i l l a g e T e r c h o v á , w h e r e t h e y l i v e d h a p p i l y e v e r a f t e r .
S tr ng ¤ Jánošík was deeply in love with her.L v f l ¤ He grabbed Anička with one hand and with the other hand he . hit bandits so hard, that they still
run scared across the sky
O pt m st c ¤ Alone against 12 villains (bandits). He was fighting bravely.V li nt ¤ his strong shoulders, stroke his handsome face
A ct v ¤ he was walking through a forest with a big smile on his face
K nd ¤ defended the poor with his big muscles
I nv nc ble ¤ He didn’t hesitate and ran across the wood.
A tr ct v ¤ he was good to people and respectful to the nature
Task: match the definitions to the adjectives
Lesson plan from Slovenia
Topic: Beekeeping Duration: 45 min Level: 6th/7th/8th
• Slovenes are very proud of our beekeeping heritage, traditional beehives, painted beehive panels and everything around beekeeping activities. Every third Friday in November we celebrate traditional Slovenian breakfast. On that day we eat bread, butter, honey, apples and drink milk. That’s called traditional Slovenian breakfast. All primary schools in Slovenia prepare such breakfast for their students. The point is to raise awareness and to eat locally grown food and to celebrate bees and their products, such as honey, propolis, beeswax, pollen and many more.
• On Friday 19 November our students and teacher had traditional Slovenian breakfast and that’s why we chose this tradition as a topic of our lesson.
• From here on the groups work on their own. You will go on a virtual tour to see bees and everything connected to them. You are free to walk around different spaces, read the information, watch videos. Keep an eye on painted beehive panels.
• In the second part of the lesson each group has to draw their own beehive panel. Your job is to come up with an idea that represents all your countries. At the end of the lesson each group will have a short presentation about their beehive panel.
FIRST PART (10 min)1. Go to:
2. On the left set the language to EN (English).
3. ABOUT THE EXHIBITION – here you can read some information about the exhibition
EXHIBITION SPACES – here you can choose all available different spaces, read information, watch videos.
4. Walk around different spaces and enjoy!
SECOND PART1. Draw your own beehive panel. In groups discuss your ideas and create a panel that represents all your countries. (20 min)
2. Briefly present your ideas and your panel. (15 min)
Lesson plan made by all teachers during the mobility in Portugal Topic: Let’s talk about values
Duration: 90 min
Level: 6th/ 7th/ 8th
1. General objectives: Students know the meaning of the VALUE and can name some of them. They use different languages.
2. Methods:
Talk Miming
Group work of students
4. Teaching Resources: pencils, pens, paper
5. Working Forms:
Group work Individual work
6. The structure of the lesson
I. Introductory part of the lesson:
1. Preparing activities
2. Introduction to the lesson
A. Students think about the definition of the VALUE (What is it?). They create their own definition in the groups.
B. They make a list of values – a teacher uses as a tool to collect and present answers
II. The main part of the lesson
A. The students work in groups, they draw two values and then mime them to the other groups. The rest have to guess what value it is.
B. Two activities are optional:
• A dictionary of values – students work in groups (international if possible) and they translate the names of values into their own languages (or other languages)
• Posters about values – students work in groups and prepare posters – each poster is related to one value.
III. Final part of the lesson:
A. Work presentation and summing-up.
Rules: Students are divided into international groups. At the beginning, Slovenian students model the game (3 words in 3 different ways: drawing, describing, miming). Then each country chooses 3 different words or phrases. First Slovenia sends their key words to Poland in a private chat. Polish students decide how to present the given words and students from other countries have to guess. The country that guesses first gets the point. Then Poland sends their key words to Portugal, after that Portugal sends the words to Italy and Italy to Slovakia, then Slovakia to Slovenia. At the end, the points are counted and the country with the most points wins the game.
Slovenia Poland Poland Portugal Portugal Italy Italy Slovakia Slovakia SloveniaROLL-A-STORY
Rules: Students are divided into international groups. Each group gets roll-a-story worksheet, students decide who shares a word document and writes the story, other students roll the dice (one time per country except the country that writes the story).
By rolling the dice, they choose the setting, characters and the problem. Together students create a story and write it down in a word document. At the end, we all meet together and each group reads their story.
Activity 1
Throwing cards against the wall
1. Deal the cards to each student (5 students/ 6cards each)
2. Write the line (use a chalk) 2 metres from the wall
3. Each student throws the card against the wall
4. Measure the distance of each card that was thrown
5. Whose card is the closest to the wall is a winner
6. The winner takes all the cards
7. The absolute winner is the one who has got all cards
Activity 2
when/where/who/who with/ what were they doing
1. Prepare a blank sheet for each student ( 5 students involved)
2. Write to the top of the sheet ( when, where, who, who with, what were they doing) 3.Fold the paper 5 times ( watch a video)
4. After you write when ( for example in October) you fold the paper and pass it to the next student
5. When the circle is finished you read the sentences loudly to the group
6. The last, but not the least – Be creative
ACTIVITIES FROM POLANDEscaperoom about Katowice:
Quiz – how to keep our environment clean and healthy: